Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I Spy Beauty...

Oh trust the lord, my soul and all that is in me
Oh trust the light to show my darkest parts
With wounds of truth and love, a friend who has known me
A fool would keep his secrets in his heart

Sandra McCracken's new video clip has given me a new love for this gorgeous song.
McCracken's hymns album 'In Feast or Fallow' released in 2010 just prior to my mentor and dear friend suffering a series of seizures, a brain hemorrhage, stroke and multiple brain surgeries. The album was my solace for many months during that dark time.... this song in particular.
I also remember singing the second verse over and over to myself last year when I felt I was falling apart.
My enemies surround me like an army
Within without the battles raging on
I pray the spirit would be strong and mighty
For courage through the night until the dawn
For more beautiful new and old hymns, check out Sandra McCracken's website:

I have been quite slack lately in my blog posting, but not about spying beauty.
It continues to be an important part of each, day regardless of how enjoyable or hard it is.
I can't wait to share more.
"A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul."
- Goethe