Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Spy Beauty...

A weekly post of beauty seen, heard or discovered

 This afternoon I sat out on my porch with a cup of coffee and some uni reading to do.
... not much reading got done...
But I sat. I listened to the noise of children playing in the lane behind our house, the sounds of a band practicing in a garage nearby, the birds and wind (along with the occasional Boeing 747 overhead!).
I looked out at the changing colours of the vines in our yard and the beautiful clear blue sky.
And I felt at peace.
I have spent much of this week feeling very unwell, miserable and sorry for myself - I'm not very good at being sick. And my mind is full of worry at so many things. Like uni and relationships and money and where to live and my health and what the future holds.
But in that moment, I was so grateful for taking the time to sit and enjoy the beauty of reality right there.
There was a time when I had no idea how to do that. And another wave of gratefulness came over me as I realised the growth - the autumns, winters, springs and summers - that have allowed me to come to this place... of spying beauty....
God is faithful. And beautiful.
I am blessed.

Now to get back to that uni reading....

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