Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Spy Beauty...

a weekly (sometimes) post of beauty seen, heard or discovered

It's been a musical kind of week....
I never cease to be amazed by Derek's creativity and innovation with his music. When he first started to veer away from the acoustic guitar-and-voice sound a few years back I was admittedly wary. But with the strength of his lyrical convictions and voice it's hard not to follow and fall in love with new sounds too.
Ctrl is both simple and complex, beautiful and haunting. And as always, his lyrics are thought provoking and convicting.... The very reason I love Derek Webb's work.

Known for her vocal acrobatics and quirky style mixed with classical piano... this album does not disappoint! Neither do Regina's poetic lyrics.... from "there's a small town in my mind" to "the piano is not firewood yet" to "you love 'em till they can't recall who they are again".
Also, her story is pretty interesting- her family fled eastern Europe in the 80's as Jewish refugees (you can hear about it here.)

"There’s a darkness upon me that’s flooded in light
In the fine print, they tell me what’s wrong and what’s right
And it comes in black, and it comes in white
And I’m frightened by those who don’t see it"
What more can I say?! The whole album is brilliant.....

  • And finally, I once again got to see Katie Herzig and Butterfly Boucher live in Sydney.
And I even got to meet Katie briefly and thank her for the gift her music has been. There's nothing like seeing your favourite songs live.

So much beautiful art to behold....