Sunday, March 23, 2014

I Spy Beauty...

A (sometimes) weekly post of beauty seen, heard or discovered

At the beginning of this year, I had every intention to get into blogging a couple of times a week. I was going to get serious with my writing. Well, I am doing that. But some other things have come up too.

While I have been struggling along making sense of this chaotic and crazy and beautiful and mean life recently, I have also started postgraduate study in Creative Writing.

I having been struggling to notice beauty. But this week I found great encouragement, strength and light in the creative work of others.

Sarah Bessey has a way with words that constantly breathes new life into me. This week her blog entitled "In which you are a beloved warrior" was timely and needed.

Parker J. Palmer wrote a guest post called "An Encouragement for Spring and the Writing Life" at OnBeing. While it is now Autumn here is Australia, I am over the metaphorical winter in my life and am expectantly holding out for some spring. 

Amy Stroup is a Indie Singer/Songwriter out of Nashville I have been following for a few years now. Her new album Tunnel (you can listen to it over on The Drop) is just what I've come to expect from Amy- diverse lyrically and musically, soulful and easy to listen to. I've also had an oldie 'Hold onto hope love', from The Other Side of Love Sessions stuck in my head.


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS, you mentioned Sarah Bessey and OnBeing in the one post! I'm now convinced we should be friends! Looking forward to reading more! :)

Anonymous said...

(Sorry about all the exclamation marks.)